Established 1885

Clay Pigeon Shoot 2018 , in association with Cunningham Coates Stockbrokers

Winning team shoot 2018

On Tuesday 12th June Club Members and their Guests migrated south down the M1 to Foymore Lodge Country Pursuits for this, the annual Shoot followed by a BBQ on a wonderful balmy afternoon.

Unfortunately our usual batch of Novices from Ulster University could not join us this year. The outcome was as follows:

Top Team - URC Members Louise Smylie, John Caughey with guests PJ Whyte and Steven Boyd

Top Guest – Hugh Simms guest of Desmond Wilson

Top Gun & this year’s Wylie Cup winner – URC Member - Paul Hollinger (for the fourth year!)

Many congratulations to our winners and thanks to all who took part and to Cunningham Coates Stockbrokers who were our main sponsor. We are also indebted to Countryside Alliance Ireland for their continued support of this event and to Foymore Lodge for setting up a testing layout and having the Shooting Grounds in excellent order.

Photo: Winning Team: URC Members, John Caughey, Louise Smylie. President, Mr Andy Wells. Guests Steven Boyd, PJ Whyt
