Established 1885

Club Closure /Covid-19

Dear Club Member,

Having had to cancel last week’s President’s Dinner our Management Committee and Officers have now focused on the way forward regarding the on-going world-wide Coronavirus epidemic.

As a result and with much regret I have to advise you that our Club will be closed to our Members and guests from close of business today, Wednesday, 18th March until further notice.

The Government’s current policy of asking citizens to avoid pubs, clubs and restaurants in tandem with the obligation to safeguard and look after our staff and Members makes this decision both necessary and urgent.

We feel we have no alternative but to take this course of action and is broadly similar to other clubs and like organisations.

As the impact and effect of the Coronavirus is changing daily, even hourly we will be closely monitoring the situation and will endeavour to keep you informed with regard to Club matters and most importantly about re-opening!

I am sure you understand why we have had to reluctantly close the Club for all the reasons above and hope I can count on your full support for the times ahead and when this crisis is resolved.

Yours sincerely

Michael P Copeland
