Established 1885

Distinguished and Delightful Lunch Guests

CSMA secretaries visit Mar 2019

On Friday 22nd March we were delighted to host four representatives of the Club Secretaries and Management Association of London.

“The aim of this Association is to provide an educational forum which furthers professionalism, education and social activities for Managers of Clubs of a compatible character, and to promote and encourage efficient and successful Club Management.” CSMA Website

The group was led by their Chairman, Alex Bray, Club Secretary of the East India Club and long standing associate of the Ulster Reform Club. The other guests were David Cowdery, The Cavalry & Guards Club, Paul Varney, The Flyfishers Club and Ian Faul, Brook’s. The gentlemen enjoyed a tour of the Club followed by an excellent lunch and we then wished them well as they set off to spend Friday and Saturday with our friends at the Kildare Street University Club and the Stephens Green Hibernian Club.

The visit was a great success and a valuable opportunity for us to build relationships with these prestigious London Clubs.

Photo: Back row: L-R David Cowdery, Cavalry & Gaurds Club, Alex Bray, East India Club, Ian Faul, Brook's. Middle Row: Michael Copeland Junior Vice President, Paul Varney, The Flyfishers Club. Front Row: David Wilson, Membership & Marketing Convenor, Alex Graham URC, Andy Wells President, Harry Sproule, Senior Vice President
