Established 1885

Encouraging New Member Applications

The Club has been successful in recent years in attracting many new members and this has contributed to a stable financial environment. However, each year we lose a proportion of our members for one reason or another and it is important that we continue to attract new members – particularly younger people and women – to replace those who leave and to continue the growth of the Club.

The route to Membership lies in nomination and seconding by existing Members. The facility of nomination is available to all Members, but it is fair to say that only a minority take advantage of it. The Management Committee would wish all Members to think seriously about the nomination of new members, Membership Application Forms are available from the General Office: call in, telephone, email Christina@ulsterreformclub.com or download and print from the members’ section of our website The Committee would like each member to consider the nomination of a friend or a colleague to membership of the Club.

The Membership categories are as follows,

details of fees are available on request

A – Town (within 25 miles of Club’s front door as the crow flies)

B- Country (outside 25 mile radius)

C- Overseas (outside UK and ROI)

E- Senior (over 65)

J- Junior (under 30)

P- Family Associate (spouse or child over 18 living at same address as

current member)

Any queries, please contact either the Membership Relations Manager, Christina Johnston, Membership & Marketing Convenor, Mr David Wilson, or Chief Executive, Mr Alex Graham.

Prior to broaching the subject with a colleague or friend we would encourage Members to make themselves fully conversant with the Rules regarding election of Members. These can be scrutinised on the Members’ Section of the Club’s website.
