Established 1885

Stirling Cup 2015

Mike Smith

The Club’s annual golf tournament, The Stirling Cup, was played at Royal Belfast Golf Club on Friday 25th September. Twenty Seven competitors comprising Ulster Reform Club Members and their guests, played off full Club handicaps, Stableford rules.

The Stirling Cup winner this year was Member Mike Smith, scoring an excellent 34 points followed closely by last year’s winner Member, Bob Cooke with 33 points. There were some very good scores with the guest winner, Robert Gordon coming in with 31 points. The wooden spoon prize for the worst 18 holes was particularly hotly contested and eventually won by Messrs Kelso, Logan, Grundy and Higgins.

Following a splendid dinner Geoffrey Menary addressed the competitors and conducted the prize-giving. The President, Arthur Henderson congratulated the winners and thanked all who took part for their contribution to another excellent event in the URC calendar.

The President gave special thanks to the main organiser of the event, Past President and Trustee Geoffrey Menary, for his superb organisation and assistance, and to Sam Dunlop and Hugh Logan for collating the score cards. The Stirling Cup 2015 was well-attended, well-planned and most enjoyable and all who took part are already looking forward to next year’s event.

Photo: President, Mr Arthur Henderson presenting Stirling Cup to 2015 winner, Mr Mike Smith
